“Horse-drawn fire engines in street, on their way to the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire, New York City,” March 25, 1911, Photograph, Library of Congress: Photo, Print, Drawing.
Brown Brothers. "An officer stands at the Asch Building's 9th floor window after the Triangle fire. Sewing machines, drive shafts, and other wreckage of the Triangle factory fire are piled in the center of the blaze-scoured room." Photograph. 1911.Cornell University, ILR School, Kheel Center for Labor-Management, Documentation & Archives, Triangle Factory Fire Online Exhibit.
Brown Brothers. "The 240 employees sewing shirtwaists on the ninth floor had their escape blocked by paired sewing machines on 75-foot long tables, back-to-back chairs and work baskets in the aisles. Walking space was so inadequate that many had to waste precious time climbing over tables to get to the stairs, fire escape, elevators and windows that might lead to safety." Photograph. 1911. Cornell University, ILR School, Kheel Center for Labor-Management, Documentation & Archives, Triangle Factory Fire Online Exhibit.
"After the Triangle factory fire was extinguished, broken bodies, hoses, buckets, and debris around the building testify to the extent of the struggle and the scale of the tragedy." Photograph. March 25, 1911. Cornell University, ILR School, Kheel Center for Labor-Management, Documentation & Archives, Triangle Factory Fire Online Exhibit.
Brown Brothers. "Unrecognizable bodies lay on the sidewalk along Greene Street, together with hoses, fire rescue nets, and part of a wagon. All were drenched by the tons of water used to contain and extinguish the fire." Photograph. March 25, 2011.
"Doctors examining each body on the sidewalk and street for signs of life located only a few survivors. Officers gathered personal items for safe keeping and to help identify the victim, including money, pay envelopes, papers, and jewelry, then placed numbered tags on victims before taking them to the 26th Street pier temporary morgue." Photograph. March 25, 1911. Cornell University, ILR School, Kheel Center for Labor-Management, Documentation & Archives, Triangle Factory Fire Online Exhibit.
Brown Brothers. "A police officer and others with the broken bodies of Triangle fire victims at their feet," Photograph, March 25, 1911. Cornell University, ILR School, Kheel Center for Labor-Management, Documentation & Archives, Triangle Factory Fire Online Exhibit.
Brown Brothers. "Glass sidewalk vault lights were broken by the fall of Triangle fire victims who jumped to their deaths in order to escape the inferno." Photograph. 1911. Cornell University, ILR School, Kheel Center for Labor-Management, Documentation & Archives, Triangle Factory Fire Online Exhibit.
"Firefighters and police officers collected jewelry, handbags, money, pay envelopes and other personal objects from victims at the Asch Building and carried them to the 26th Street pier morgue where they were used to help identify the dead." Photograph. March 25, 1911. Cornell University, ILR School, Kheel Center for Labor-Management, Documentation & Archives, Triangle Factory Fire Online Exhibit.
“At the corner of Greene Street and Washington Place" Photograph, March 25, 2011. Cornell University, ILR School, Kheel Center for Labor-Management, Documentation & Archives, Triangle Factory Fire Online Exhibit.
Brown Brothers. “Fire victims being identified by relatives, Triangle fire,” March 1911, Library of Congress
"A Catholic family mourns the death of two Triangle fire victims. Many families lost more than one member." Photograph. 1911.Cornell University, ILR School, Kheel Center for Labor-Management, Documentation & Archives, Triangle Factory Fire Online Exhibit.
Brown Brothers. "Working under lights, a police officer holds a small casket amid the wrecked bodies of Triangle fire victims. Nearby, others wait to help carry the dead to the covered 26th Street pier where a temporary police station and morgue had been set up after it was determined that the city morgue was not large enough to handle the fire's casualties." Photograph. March 25, 1911.Cornell University, ILR School, Kheel Center for Labor-Management, Documentation & Archives, Triangle Factory Fire Online Exhibit.
"At the 26th Street pier morgue, family members and friends had the nightmarish duty of walking past numbered coffins and examining each of the victims' remains in an attempt to identify their loved ones." Photograph. 1911. Cornell University, ILR School, Kheel Center for Labor-Management, Documentation & Archives, Triangle Factory Fire Online Exhibit.
Brown Brothers. "For endless hours police officers held lanterns to light the bodies while crowds filed past victims laid out in numbered rough-wood coffins. As the dead were identified, the coffin was closed and moved aside for the family to claim." Photograph. 1911. Cornell University, ILR School, Kheel Center for Labor-Management, Documentation & Archives, Triangle Factory Fire Online Exhibit.
New-York tribune. [volume]. 26 March 1911, "More than 140 die as flames sweep through three stories of factory building in Washington Place," Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress, https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1911-03-26/ed-1/seq-1/
“Bodies from Washing Place Fire,” March 1911. Photograph. Library of Congress: Photo, Print, Drawing.
“Triangle Waist Co. fire, N.Y.C.--Crowds outside pier morgue,” March 1911. Photograph. Library of Congress: George Grantham Bain Collection.
Bain, George Grantham. "Because the city morgue was too small to hold the large number of fire victims, the covered end of the 26th Street pier was converted into a temporary morgue. Thousands gathered there even before ambulances arrived. Through the night and into the next day they waited, eventually identifying the dead from a familiar ring, a mended stocking, a scrap of clothing." Photograph. March 26, 1911. Cornell University, ILR School, Kheel Center for Labor-Management, Documentation & Archives, Triangle Factory Fire Online Exhibit.
"The day after the blaze, grief-stricken crowds gathered at the site of the tragedy crying out the names of their loved ones, begging for information, and struggling to come to terms with the reality of their worst fears." Photograph. March 26, 1911. Cornell University, ILR School, Kheel Center for Labor-Management, Documentation & Archives, Triangle Factory Fire Online Exhibit.